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Anybody gaming?

Started by Thurman, Dec 18, 2024, 03:06 AM

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It helps get me through the cabin fever of winter. Ive pretty well just been playing the new COD lately, which isn't usually my wheelhouse, but it's nice to party up with a buddy and show this young pups how millenials skirmish. I could absolutely go for something with a little more depth though, so I'm just curious to know if any of you guys are gaming and what you're playing if so.
No matter how far you push the envelope, it will always remain stationary.


Bioshock was a real gem. I didnt play but maybe an hour of the one in the sky (I think thats the 3rd one). Fallout is absolutely one of my favorite franchises, and I agree - NV is the best one. I wish they would remake it with updated graphics and mechanics. Hell, I'd even be happy with it playing like fallout 4...

I started Stalker 2, which just came out. It's not "like fallout", but its set in the radiation zone of chernobyl anyway. It's a good game, but it's absolutely punishing, even on normal difficulty. You're never safe, and that makes it exciting, but also kinda stressful, so it's more of a lazy Saturday game and not an "after work game" for me.

Looping back to Fallout though - Ive got a cool novelty grow in mind, so I'll be sure to post the pics here when I get there. Im gonna try to put it together tonight. 🤙
No matter how far you push the envelope, it will always remain stationary.


@Thurman hell yeah man, Fallout 3 is my classic jam. 4 was good, but New Vegas takes the cake imho. I liked the Biochock series too, the third one was very story driven but was extremely entertaining and captivating.
I need to get back into gaming. I'll look into valheim, sons of the forest and dayz. Thanks guys.
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Yes, Dayz is unforgiving until you get a feel for whats up. Sons is PC only 😢 Looks like a cool game though. I need to not worry about gaming and buckle down with cultivation anyway. I got a little overwhelmed and wanted a break so I let my spawn schedule fall behind so I could sit on my ass once in a while. Time to get back to it though!
No matter how far you push the envelope, it will always remain stationary.


I haven't played DayZ, looks rough. Prolly fun though.😂
My brother and I play valheim a lot. If you ever need a good world seed try "planetpiss" 😆
Sons of the forest is pretty good, the world is big and beautiful, baddies are creepy as all fuck. The building system is ok, has some unique ideas.


Rob, Fallout is my JAM! I enjoyed Skyrim as well, though I haven't played previous titles or ESO. I know myself enough to know that ESO could be too much - I spent about 6mo fully distracted by WOW way back in the day. To have it only grab me for 6mo was probably being let off easy compared to some people at least.

Scemilope - I got down on Valheim for a while with a buddy and I think that may have been the most relaxing game I've ever played. I know I saw a teaser for Sons of the Forest and wanted to play it, but now I have to go look at it again. I feel like it wasn't going to be on xbox though. I recall hearing a lot of hype for Helldivers and then it sounded like the feelings changed. Probably what you're mentioning here with some bs microtransactions. The suits have seriously screwed up video gaming and it's a damn shame. My daughter wants a PS5 for Christmas and I think her mom is getting it, so I might end up doing a bit a of hijacking while she's at school once that happens. 🤣 I still haven't played The Last of Us 2, which needs to happen.

You mentioned survival games - have you ever played Dayz? It's somehow both the slowest and most intense game I've ever played. Had some good times with a friend of mine back in the day when it was still a mod. It's a cool game, but steep learning curve and it takes the right personality type to bot be bored with in a few hours (if nothing exciting happens). I was thinking about trying to get back into that too...
No matter how far you push the envelope, it will always remain stationary.


I play building/crafting/survival games a fair bit. Valheim, enshrouded, sons of the Forrest.
Been playing Snow Runner lately. Oddly slow paced yet intense.
I was playing helldivers 2, enjoying the new update. Unfortunately they followed the good update with a badly monetized crossover that no one wanted and then tacitly threatened to withhold future free updates if it this gross cash shop doesn't turn enough profit. They had an inoffensive monetization model untill this. Kinda sad, 😢


Bro I haven't gamed in forever. I have my consoles in my storage unit, including a wii u, ps4, xbox one, and nintendo switch. I want to play the new zelda so bad. I have it just waiting for me. I guess its not new anymore really though lol.
Cant wait to get that stuff back. I used to lobe playing Zelda 64 and Mario 64. All time favorites.
Got it for Christmas in 1996 and never looked back, wish I'd never sold it. (Even though a friend and I purchased a vintage one later on) Other than that I play alot of Bethesda games. ESO and Fallout mainly. Im a big fps and mmorpg guy. lol
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It helps get me through the cabin fever of winter. Ive pretty well just been playing the new COD lately, which isn't usually my wheelhouse, but it's nice to party up with a buddy and show this young pups how millenials skirmish. I could absolutely go for something with a little more depth though, so I'm just curious to know if any of you guys are gaming and what you're playing if so.
No matter how far you push the envelope, it will always remain stationary.



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